Confessions of a Shepherd to the Good Shepherd

#shepherd #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

I am tired, You know.

This job is excruciating. I know, I know. I have to think about Your teachings. That I need to love the unlovable, for I am unlovable myself. Yet, You still love me.

I am so tired, Mr. Shepherd. I think one of these days I’ll just break and have the courage — or fear — to quit the job.

Of course, Sir, those were not Your exact words when You created the sky, but we know You love little Timmy. You love all of them. You love me.

You love them. And I love them.

I stood up and reminded them of Your love.

You, Sir, who conquered the grave for us. The Shepherd who leads this flock to salvation — to each other.

I love Your flock. I love the work.

Because nothing comforts a shepherd’s heart more than love. The love of his own Master and the love that he has for his people.

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