More Than A Story

#stories #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

Stories always touch me personally. Even before when I was young, a story is always a part of my life, especially at my bedtime. Sometimes it helps me sleep but most of the time it keeps me awake at night. Stories are touching us and connect to who we are, who the characters are, and who we want to be.

Chapter 8 and 9 of the book of Matthew shows a lot of stories that are unique throughout history. It is not just a simple healing story for the physical body but also the healing of all the senses that are long gone and dysfunctional. Different stories, different struggles, different senses, one man, one God, one Saviour.

Jesus heals the faithful. One of the healing stories discussed in this book is the healing of the man with leprosy. This moment shows desperation. The man has no background whatsoever. He just showed up to Jesus and said “If you are willing, you can make me clean”.

For someone who is not familiar with their culture, a person who has leprosy is considered unclean. For those who are not familiar with leprosy, it is a disease that rots the flesh of the human without him feeling it. And finally, for those who are not familiar with Jesus, He didn’t care about any of those. He said He is willing and the man was healed. Every person that shows faithfulness was healed. Everyone who asked to be healed is healed. The following stories can be put in one group:

· Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy (chapter 8 verse 1–4)
· The Faith of the Centurion (chapter 8 verse 5–13)
· Jesus Heals Many (chapter 8 verse 14–17)
· Jesus Heals the Blind (chapter 9 verse 27–31)
· Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman (chapter 9 verse 18–26)

Every story has one thing in common. FAITH. They didn’t just ask to be well, they believe that when Jesus wants them to be healed, they will be healed. I believe that even the opposite of healing they knew would happen to them if Jesus wants to. That’s the kind of faith that healed them. The faith that believes that God’s will is constant. That this is the best option we’ve got.

Jesus heals our worries. Jesus is someone who can calm a storm metaphorically and literally speaking. The story in chapter 8 verses 23 to 27 reminds us that like the disciples, we continue to worry a lot. By a lot means we worry about the slightest thing to mess up. We cannot blame the disciples for worrying. They faced a huge storm. Haven’t we face a small one and yet we gave up. Every one of us has a certain moment in our lives wherein we are so worried we didn’t have time to think rationally. You remember that moment the second you read this. But in this story, Jesus told us to let go of the worries and have bigger faith. It is certainly the same as the story in chapter 8 verse 18 -22. He showed the people the cost of following Him. It’s like saying “when you follow me you will need nothing but me. You will put your whole trust in me”. Are we willing to do that? It worries us to think that trusting in God alone will get us through this life. It worries us because we are looking in the storm. We are looking at all the worries that will come. Well, in this story, Jesus heals the worries of His people. And that includes you.

Jesus heals the spirit. The following stories portray extraordinary healing that Jesus has done:

· Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men (chapter 8 verse 28–34)
· Jesus Heals the Mute (chapter 9 verse 32–34)
· Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man (chapter 9 verse 1–8)
· The Calling of Matthew (chapter 9 verse 9–13)
· Jesus Questioned About Fasting (chapter 9 verse 14–17)

He doesn’t just heal the body. He heals the mind, the soul, and spirit. He chose a tax collector who a known cheater in the community. He heals the demon-possessed men wherein no doctor can treat at that time — or even at this time at present. He showed that healing is for everybody. That it will not require us to do anything. We didn’t heal ourselves. He came here to heal. That’s it. He came here for someone who needs healing. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. He heals a broken heart in times of trouble. A physical heart can be fully functioning but the heart where we put our trust and have been betrayed can be long gone. He came to heal that kind of heart to trust again. He heals our minds with wisdom. Along with all the knowledge, He knew, He gave us the instruction on how to apply it in our lives. He’s like a doctor who heals you in a hospital and at the same time paying the bill.

Jesus calls the healed. He is calling all those who know the truth by the end of the stories. Many must know the healer and it is the duty of the healed to spread the story of the Healer. It was described in the last story of chapter 9. Many workers are needed for His work and I hope that that includes you and me.

These stories are not that descriptive as a narrative text are written nowadays. But a narrative strongly suggests a situation when it lets the readers smell the story. When we smell the setting it somehow takes us to the place and time and we sympathize with the people in it. We see ourselves in their situation. We can re-read the stories imagining the scent of every situation:

· The smell of the person who has leprosy, the smell of the sickness that he has suffered for years

· The smell of the crowd, sweat because of all the commotions and the scorching heat of the sun in broad daylight

· The smell of the strong wind in the middle of the storm and the sweet smell of calm waters after Jesus commanded them to stop

· The smell of filth of the demon-possessed. A scary scent that suits their situation. Displeasing to everybody and yet Jesus noticed them

Scent always takes us to a place where the scent belongs. And the scent is important to God. He knew the smell of the sin and He hates it. But He never let us that way. He cleanses us to offer a pleasing sacrifice for Him. Sending Him a pleasing smell on everything we do.

In the two chapters, there are many times Jesus touches someone and a miracle always happens. They are healed. They are alive. They awaken.

His touch carries life. It never uses the remaining life in us to create an additional one. He removes the previous life then gave a new one.

Sense of sight. There are huge waves in front of you. The sun is out of sight. All you see is a large body of water, a small boat, panicked fellow men, and a sleeping man who seems not to mind the situation. Then suddenly this man woke up and the next thing you see is calm water and daylight.

Sense of smell. The smell of strong wind and the water entering your boat. A rush that makes you forget to inhale in a second. Then suddenly without any smooth transition, it smells like a sweet aroma of an after rain. A calming scent of safety was on board.

Sense of taste. Almost tasting the water that is rushing in your small boat. The taste of a good meal is already gone now that you are fighting with something that might make you gone forever. You keep on swallowing the words to say in such a storm as this. Then suddenly with your mouth wide open in awe, you can taste the sweet soft wind that lingers in your spot where you are standing.

Sense of touch. Your grip in a small piece of wood hurts a lot but still, you continued to hold on. Thinking that it is the only comfort you feel in this rushing wind and angry waves. Everything felt angry. The wind, the water, the clouds, and the people around you. You feel all the pain outside and inside your skin. Then suddenly, the wind changes from hitting to embracing. Your skin feels the great but soft kiss of the sun behind the clouds of the storm that just calm down. Suddenly you felt safe.

Sense of hearing. The loud noise from the wind and water is deafening. All you hear aside from that are the people shouting “we are all going to die!”. You believed this shout. There is a part in you that you wanted to shout it out too. But some words resound in the middle of this chaos “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”. Then suddenly, you heard a command. Rebuking the wind and waves to calm down. You heard His voice above the noise and it was calm. The sound of the big waves becomes a sweet sound of calm water. His voice encouraged us to have bigger faith.

These stories can inspire us. It reminds us that healing is everywhere. That revival is not impossible. We only need faith. Faith that God wants the best for us.

Now declare healing in Jesus' Name!

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