Salvation Is Meant to Be Received Through Love, Not Fear

#peace #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

So, the world is ending; what do we do now?

What is salvation?

It feels like the time of Noah when people had the chance to repent but ignored it. When the waters came and flooded the earth, it was too late.

Fear drives us to where we get our comfort.

It’s just heartbreaking how other people, out of fear, just want to find some errors in our beliefs to debunk them. To declare them untrue. The tribulation will not come; the rapture was a mere fantasy.

Fear controls us. God doesn’t want His creation to be controlled by fear.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT)

We don’t know exactly when the rapture is going to be.

Earth doesn’t come to us with a label giving an expiration date. Although the Bible may give some signs, we cannot be sure if they are literal or symbolic ones. There are arguments about this, but as long as the Lord is not doing His work and clearly revealing to us His presence, as the Book of Revelation says, we can’t declare exactly whether what is happening right now is a sign of the end times — or just a hint of a bigger sign.

It is true that we are getting nearer and nearer to the end.

Of course we are. We are getting nearer to the end now compared to yesterday. Meaning, every second is a countdown toward it. We don’t know when, exactly, it is — and that is a good thing.

We must act now.

The prophecies are meant to provide hope, not to scare people into Christianity. They act as a warning, not a fear factor card. Although sometimes it helps us to share the gospel, fear is not a good emotion to elicit when inviting people to learn about this belief.

But, fear doesn’t sustain them, as their enthusiasm for the subject dies when the news about the ‘end of the world’ dies down.

The ‘end times’ topic is no bigger deal than any individual’s death. Wait! Before everyone misinterprets this…

Christ already demonstrated how to share the gospel — using love.

If God wanted us to believe out of fear, He would have come down to us with His great army of angels while holding a great sword.

Salvation was meant to be received through love, not through fear.

Love gives us comfort. When the end comes, be it our personal death or the death of the entire world, we will be comforted by the love of God.

We are saved long before we are scared.

Salvation was perfectly depicted in John 3:16 (KJV). As the Bible says:

But that will never happen.

What humanity needs now is hope. And we Christians have that in Christ. We are not to add fear, but to end fear by giving out courage — by giving out the gospel.

The hope that saves. The hope that encourages. The hope that loves us no matter what.

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