The Boy Who Cried Saved

#salvation #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

They’re prettier on the outside, but make it easier to rot from the inside.

Eventually, he got bored again when he heard things he didn’t like. In the end, he said he was not telling the truth.

He was saved.

Then He shouted. He proclaimed God’s goodness in his life. He wanted everyone to hear this. This was the Good News. Everyone should hear it. He shouted with all his might:

Jesus is King!

But, this time, no one believed him. Both believers and non-believers thought it was just another set of lies.

Your testimony is important

This is the consequence of everything we did in the past.

We can offer our hands to them while they are drowning, but it will be difficult for them to hold on to the same hands that persecuted them in the past — especially when they don’t know they are drowning.

They will think that they are better than you. They never cheated others. They never lied about being someone they were not. Therefore, they are better than you. They will be blinded by your own past sin.

Don’t worry; showing God’s goodness in our lives will take time

Our words in the past all contribute to our broken testimony. We are the same people who promised those things and failed. We were the proud ones before becoming those who proclaim humility now. We were the ones who said we were good people before, but now we know Christ — not just His name, but Jesus Himself.

They say that time heals, but actually it does not. Consistency through time is real healing.

God is consistent through time. His goodness stays the same in every generation. He will heal this bad testimony. If we become consistent about this change, eventually the people around will believe our new stance.

Do not listen to me; listen to Him

When we say these words, we nullify our credibility, but in a good way. How? We know what other people are thinking about us — that we are cheaters who only want attention.

Because of this, we are telling them that, in the words we are saying, we have a witness — a reliable Witness. We invite them to listen to Him, and not to us.

We invite them to look to a perfect God, not to the imperfect sinner they knew. This is how you show them that you are a renewed believer.

Remember: we were those sinners before, but now those versions of us are almost no more.

This is a way of looking back on how far we’ve come, and it is another reason to face the future filled with hope with a heart that is restored.

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