The Least Talented But Not The Least Faithful

#talents #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

Ever heard or read the Parable of the Talents in the Bible? The one that Jesus told us about the Book of Matthew. I am quite sure as a Christian you’ve already heard the story. If you haven’t read it yet you can read the whole story on Matthew 25:14–30.

This story was always used as a lecture to use your talent for the Lord so that you’ll gain more or sometimes it was used to scare the newcomers to the church to join the singing group by saying “Your talent will be taken from you if you won’t use it for the Lord”.

Chill out. I am not gonna preach — or even scare you — to be a part of something. I want us to look at this story in a deeper meaning because when I read it just now that I have been through a lot, I saw the one character people often missed out on. I saw the second servant. I saw myself.

Ever wonder why Jesus uses three servants instead of just two? If He wants to represent the faithful and the unfaithful, two characters would be enough. But He uses three. This would only mean, He sees the least person who is doing their best. He sees the greats and also the average. He sees the ones who are trying. And if you are like me who is a part of this average bracket, brothers and sisters, He sees us.

The situation of the second servant is much harder than the First Servant. He has lesser talent. He has minimal credentials to offer. Also, he will always wonder “why did the master give the other one five talents while he only gave me two?”. Maybe there are times when the servant with five talents already gains another five talents while he is still thinking about how to gain more. It is easier to gain more if you already have a large number, to begin with.

I know the feeling of looking up to someone who can do stuff a lot easier than I am. Back then I was wishing that I have the same ability to do so. I remember myself praying “If only I have …” then listing out things I don’t have.

The situation of the second servant is much harder than the Third Servant. Let us all be honest, when we are surrounded by people who do not have the spirit to do things we envy them. “I wish I don’t have to live with these standards and be free like them”. Being like them is tempting. As a student, when your classmates passed their exams by cheating and get away with it, somehow we envy them. Of course, we don’t want to be like them. That would mean we gave up. We don’t want to be a failure but holding the current status or even making it higher is hard.

Being in the middle of greatness and failure is hard. You can’t keep up the higher standards to be great and you are tempted to give up and just become a failure.

The talents God has given us is something we can handle. In Matthew 25:15, it was stated in the story the talents were given based on their ability. What we have is what we can handle. What we have is what we can use to be greater. What we have doesn’t need to meet the standard. It just needs to be used. It will naturally get us through and it will naturally grow. Our talents have their own time of growing.

Eventually, things will turn out right. In Matthew 25:17, it says there that the talent of the second servant was doubled too. Do not, I repeat, do not compare yourself to others. You will always be the lesser one when you do so. Just be yourself and relax. If God had put these talents in you then you can be sure that everything will turn out right. You can compare yourself to others if and only if you want to view them as an inspiration to do better — not an inspiration to quit — and then do better.

Faithfulness will be rewarded, not the talents. In the last part of the story, it is funny to think that the reward for the first and second servant is the same. They are rewarded to be a part of their master’s happiness. It doesn’t matter how many talents we gain.

The reward is not for these people:
1. Someone who has the largest money given to the church
2. Someone who doesn’t miss an attendance on Sunday Service
3. Someone who has a lot of ministries

The reward is for these people:
1. Someone who is faithful in following the traffic rules for Jesus.
2. Someone who is faithful to encourage that one girl in the corner of the seat in the church for Jesus.
3. Someone who shares this blog to encourage someone for Jesus. — I was kidding :) but seriously I would totally appreciate it —
4. Someone who is faithful to *insert any small and great things here* for Jesus.

The reward is for the people who are faithful, not for someone who achieved a lot in life.

Back when I was a kid, I always look at the people. I always look at my siblings and say “I wish I was great like them”. I grew up following their tracks. Then later on in my life, I realize that I cannot use my talents if I keep on planning to use other people’s talents. Then I dared to dream with what I have. I dared to trust the master who trusted me with this minimal talent.

I dared to fly with small wings only to discover that my Master is the great wind that I needed to do great things.

There will always be someone better than you. There are people who are better singers, better writers, better businessmen, better runners, better photographers, better athletes, or even better in your ministry. But God uses a different measuring tape for His standard. He looks at your heart, your faithful heart. The time will come when you enter into His kingdom. You will not look at those great people because everyone will look up to the One Great Master, our God. And all our faithfulness will be rewarded by his smile as He gives us these words:

Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.Come and share your master’s happiness!

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