The Scary Blank Page

#blank-page #plan #Bible #literature #salvation #christian #lifestory #personal #testimony

What to write when faced with a blank page and what to do when facing uncertainty

And end up writing nothing.

I read some of the suggestions from other writers here on Medium, and those are really helpful.

…although sometimes I can’t keep myself from the fear of looking on a blank canvas.

This blank page seems like a pretty nice white space.


Once I put my words into it, it will change — for the better or for the worse — just like our lives.

Our lives feel like unknown pages of a book. There are moments that we want to be our ‘happy ever after’.

A graduation day, wedding day, finally having our own house or having a family of our own.

I could mess it up. This day might end up being the worst.

If only I can stop the time and let the day be undone. Let it be blank forever.

Fear freezes us, and sometimes we forget a little detail inside our hearts.


That is why I need a little reminder every day

A detail from God that we need to remember:

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Courage is the fuel for my dream to be pushed through in spite of all the uncertainty along the way. Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


We need courage every time we are afraid.

Fear freezes us. Courage contemplates.

Courage makes us think of the possibilities. It gives us a plan to comfort us.
Fear might not be absent, but we do it anyway because of courage.
One thing that I need today for my blank page is courage.

Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash
Creativity is the dream I promised to myself to keep on holding. Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash


What I need is my creativity. This is where I will put my courage.

Creativity is the dream I’ve always wondered about. Creativity pursues a greater road ahead.

This is the promise I give to myself.

Self-control is my reality check to be sure of my goals and think about my forward steps. Photo by Anwaar Ali on Unsplash


Meaning, aside from courage and creativity, I also need self-control. Use it to align my creativity so it can have its order. Not to oppress it, but to make it clearer for the readers.

Self-control supports the distance from my current spot to where my creativity is looking.

While my creativity looks into the future, my self-control looks at every step where I am now.

Same with life. I love the life that the Lord has given to me.

I can still see myself enjoying painting my blank pages with important colors in my life.

Blank pages can be scary, but I am more scared of the missed opportunity and that the blank pages remain blank for the rest of my life.

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